Pick up The News Letter for six gourmet recipes from Northern Ireland's reigning chef
| View email online | | | | | | Dear reader, Fancy whiling away the winter evenings getting to grips with top-tier recipes that you'll be dining out on for years? Pick up The News Letter each day till Friday for a series of recipe cards curated by Northern Ireland's very own Paula McIntyre. Learn how to put together show-stoppingly fancy dishes that will make you the star of your post-pandemic dinner parties. The Saturday, November 28 edition of The News Letter included some vouchers earning you 30p off Monday to Friday's editions - a total saving of £1.50. If you've kept hold of your copy, simply cut out your vouchers and use them at any newsagent to get your discounted papers. For more about this offer and how you can save even more money, follow the link below.
Regards, The team at The News Letter | | | | | | | | | | | |