วันเสาร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

A personal message from News letter editor Ben Lowry

In my last message I mentioned the shortening days...
  I N S I D E R  
  Nov 20, 2021  
Dear reader,

In my last message I mentioned the shortening days.

But despite the reduced daylight hours, the sun has been shining for much of them. 

And even when not, there is plenty of things to read and think about in the News Letter on your screen or mobile device.

Perhaps winter fuels our escapist instincts. One of the most read stories of the week has been a report from Farming Life on this glorious 66 acre country estate with its grand old house in Kells, Co Meath. What a place to live and farm! 

On more serious matters, yesterday the cabinet minister Michael Gove gave a strong indication that Article 16 would be triggered to suspend the Northern Ireland Protocol. I was initially sceptical that the UK ever had any intention of deploying that device against the Irish Sea border but latterly came to believe that Lord Frost was deadly serious about it.

I write about this in my column in today's print edition.

It is part of our usual bumper Saturday edition, which also includes Henry McDonald's weekly column and his review of a book in defence of the Union.

This is a book to which I contributed a chapter but I should say that not only do I not benefit from any sales, we contributors made a personal financial donation to help fund the cost of getting the work published, because we feel that amid much talk of a united Ireland, valid unionist arguments are neglected.

I was intrigued (and depressed, as an infrastructure fan) to read  the roads expert Wesley Johnston say the York Street interchange in Belfast will probably not now be built

We led the paper on Friday with deepening concerns over the latest energy bill increase, this time electricity.

To offset the demands of rising bills, there is still large interest in the £100 voucher scheme, and this updated story gives practical information on how to use it

Away from serious topics, among our best read stories online were articles by our biking expert Kyle White, including his story about John McGuinness being poised for a sensational Honda return at the next Isle of Man TT

Our bumper weekend News Letter is filled with a range of other stories, from the Ulster Tower Somme centenary https://www.newsletter.co.uk/heritage-and-retro/heritage/somme-service-marks-100-years-of-ulster-tower-the-first-memorial-erected-on-western-front-3464965 to the Walter Smith memorial service https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/people/in-pictures-memorial-service-for-legendary-rangers-scotland-and-everton-manager-walter-smith-3464839 to Billy Kennedy's churches page https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/opinion/billy-kennedy-westminster-faith-exhibition-has-an-ulster-dimension-3465300 to Sandra Chapman's column https://www.newsletter.co.uk/health/sandra-chapman-is-covid-gearing-up-for-a-productive-christmas-3465415 to an interview with Don McClean ahead of his British tour. The print edition is in the shops until tomorrow.

Thank you for your continued interest in The News Letter, our long established title.
If we can interest you, there's huge value in a subscription to The News Letter, through which you can secure unfettered access to our news, sport, opinion and lifestyle journalism, all produced for you here by our team across Northern Ireland.

We hope you have a good weekend.

Best wishes, Ben Lowry
Editor, The News Letter
Ben Lowry: The prospects of Article 16 being triggered to suspend the Northern Ireland Protocol are receding
Bertie Ahern has said that he was making pro loyalist comments on Thursday.
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Book Review: Unionist leaders should read this vital defence of Northern Ireland, and its place in UK
'The Idea of the Union: Great Britain and Northern Ireland' by Belcouver Press priced £12.99 is reviewed by HENRY McDONALD:
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