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Tele-medicine to outlast the pandemic, a veteran Sinn Fein MLA not across the detail of RHI, a warning of joblessness heading back to pre-Troubles levels, no budget plan, and a Finance Minister worried abotu binge spending – our political editor Sam McBride examines five developments at the Northern Ireland Assembly this week which you probably haven't seen reported.
A prominent DUP figure has rounded upon SDLP transport minister Nichola Mallon, calling for her department to be put into "special measures" over what he says is a failure to get to grips with NI's "driving test fiasco".
Experts at the National Trust have predicted a prolonged display of autumn colour well into October, making their properties the ideal locations to lift one's mood.
During lockdown the News Letter team have been busy looking through the News Letter's photographic archive and have picked out the best photographs from bygone days.
The chairman of the Motor Cycle Union of Ireland (Ulster Centre) has ruled himself out of standing for the position next year after proclaiming he has 'had enough', deeming the governing body of the sport 'unfit for purpose'.
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