วันจันทร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2566

Progress on EU/UK Protocol deal has slowed down claims Sammy Wilson

Tributes are paid to Henry McDonald, News Letter journalist, who is dead at 57
  Feb 20, 2023  
Michael Cousins
Michael Cousins

From the News Letter in print and online


* Progress on a final deal between the EU and the UK on the Northern Ireland Protocol has ground to a halt, Sammy Wilson has said

* Senior Tories have stepped up warnings to Rishi Sunak not to try to strike a Brexit deal with Brussels which is unacceptable to Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

* The Government has announced it is to move to pass a stalled organ donation law for Northern Ireland at Westminster

* Northern Ireland Protocol: Micheal Martin urges all players to 'think about the people of Northern Ireland'



* Owen Polley: Northern Ireland Protocol deal is likely to leave unionists disappointed

* Editorial: China should indeed be barred from King Charles's coronation

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  Progress on EU/UK Protocol deal has slowed down claims Sammy Wilson MP  
Progress on EU/UK Protocol deal has slowed down claims Sammy Wilson MP
Henry McDonald had been the News Letter's political editor for the past year,
Henry McDonald had been the News Letter's political editor for the past year,
The News Letter's political editor, Henry McDonald, has died at the age of 57.
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'If it doesn't get the support of both communities in NI it is just going to make things worse'
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Youngster remains in 'serious condition' after collision in Lisburn - 10-year-old had been riding red mountain bike
Daithi's Law: Government moves to introduce Northern Ireland organ donation law at Westminster
Daithi's Law: Government moves to introduce Northern Ireland organ donation law at Westminster
​Henry McDonald death: Cliftonville mourns one of Solitude's familiar faces
​Henry McDonald death: Cliftonville mourns one of Solitude's familiar faces
Former counter-terror officer hits out at Loyalist Communities Council over comments about Northern Ireland Protocol
Former counter-terror officer hits out at Loyalist Communities Council over comments about Northern Ireland Protocol
"I'm absolutely disgusted with the performance...we had a great crowd out and they deserved better than that."
"I'm absolutely disgusted with the performance...we had a great crowd out and they deserved better than that."
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Crusaders' 'head count' pays off as they overcome cold and flu bug in the camp to beat Coleraine
  Owen Polley: NI Protocol deal is likely to leave unionists disappointed  
  Owen Polley: NI Protocol deal is likely to leave unionists disappointed  
Editorial: China should indeed be barred from King Charles's coronation
Editorial: China should indeed be barred from King Charles's coronation
Letter: My abiding last memory of Henry McDonald is of him reporting David Trimble's funeral
Letter: My abiding last memory of Henry McDonald is of him reporting David Trimble's funeral
Letter: Neither Sinn Fein nor the DUP alone should be allowed to decide if we have Stormont by walking out
Letter: Neither Sinn Fein nor the DUP alone should be allowed to decide if we have Stormont by walking out
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