วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2566

Northern Ireland diesel and home heating oil average prices fall to lowest levels since Russian invasion of Ukraine

Any deal on Northern Ireland Protocol must fix 'democratic deficit' warns senior party figure
  Feb 16, 2023  
Michael Cousins
Michael Cousins

From the team at the News Letter today


* Northern Ireland diesel and home heating oil average prices fall to lowest levels since Russian invasion of Ukraine a year ago, new data shows

* Are house prices falling in Northern Ireland? Check the local property market with our interactive tool

* Any deal on Northern Ireland Protocol must fix 'democratic deficit' warns senior party figure

* Parents' hope of new safety laws following son's 'absolutely needless' tractor death


*Samuel Morrison: On the Act of Union alone this reported UK-EU deal will fail one of the DUP's seven tests

* Reg Empey: Everyone knows you could drive a coach and horses through the DUP's seven tests

* News Letter editorial on Thursday February 16 2023


Human Interest:

* Belfast parents 'indifferent' to evacuation of children (1940)

* Donaghadee RNLI announce that iconic lifeboat 'Saxon' is set to leave the Co Down town having served the area since 2003


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  Northern Ireland diesel and home heating oil average prices fall to lowest levels since Russian invasion of Ukraine  
Northern Ireland diesel and home heating oil average prices fall to lowest levels since Russian invasion of Ukraine
Donaghadee RNLI announce that iconic lifeboat 'Saxon' set leave Co Down town
Donaghadee RNLI announce that iconic lifeboat 'Saxon' set leave Co Down town
Any deal on Northern Ireland Protocol must fix 'democratic deficit' warns senior party figure
Any deal on Northern Ireland Protocol must fix 'democratic deficit' warns senior party figure
Parents' hope of new safety laws following son's 'absolutely needless' tractor death
Parents' hope of new safety laws following son's 'absolutely needless' tractor death
Sturgeon exit: 'Let this be a warning to woke politicians who deny biology' says DUP MLA
Sturgeon exit: 'Let this be a warning to woke politicians who deny biology' says DUP MLA
Unionists asking all councils to mark 50th anniversary of UDR Greenfinches
Unionists asking all councils to mark 50th anniversary of UDR Greenfinches
Nicola Sturgeon's apology over colleague's IRA 'freedom fighters' comments
Nicola Sturgeon's apology over colleague's IRA 'freedom fighters' comments
Turkey earthquake: NI rescue team helps locate six people in collapsed building
Turkey earthquake: NI rescue team helps locate six people in collapsed building
Soaring food prices unlikely to fall any time soon even as inflation eases, says Poots
Soaring food prices unlikely to fall any time soon even as inflation eases, says Poots
Are house prices falling in Northern Ireland? Check the local property market with our interactive tool
Are house prices falling in Northern Ireland? Check the local property market with our interactive tool
Belfast parents 'indifferent' to evacuation of children (1940)
Belfast parents 'indifferent' to evacuation of children (1940)
  Samuel Morrison: On the Act of Union alone this reported UK-EU deal will fail one of the DUP's seven tests  
  Samuel Morrison: On the Act of Union alone this reported UK-EU deal will fail one of the DUP's seven tests  
Reg Empey: Everyone knows you could drive a coach and horses through the DUP's seven tests
Reg Empey: Everyone knows you could drive a coach and horses through the DUP's seven tests
Letter: Ending mandatory coalition to exclude unionists would cause Stormont to lack legitimacy
Letter: Ending mandatory coalition to exclude unionists would cause Stormont to lack legitimacy
Editorial: Nicola Sturgeon can see Sottish independence needs a new leader, and unionism could learn from such insight
Editorial: Nicola Sturgeon can see Sottish independence needs a new leader, and unionism could learn from such insight
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