วันพุธที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2563

Northern Ireland facing a 'dangerous point' in pandemic

A Primark store in Northern Ireland closed on Tuesday after a member of staff tested positive for COVID-19 has reopened today.
  Aug 12, 2020  

Good afternoon,


While most people are enjoying a little more normality in their lives, there is certainly no doubt that none of us can afford to be complacent when it comes to following public health guidance.


Chairman of the British Medical Association NI GP Committee, Dr Alan Stout, has said the recent rise in positive coronavirus cases in NI is a "wake up call for us all".  Today it was revealed that another 29 people have tested positive in the past 24 hours.


Health Minister Robin Swann, meanwhile, has warned that we are at "probably the most dangerous or riskiest" points of the pandemic.  A sobering message indeed.


Stay safe,


Valerie Martin,

Head of Content


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  LIVE UPDATES: Coronavirus NI - Primark store in NI closed after staff member tests positive for COVID-19 reopens  
  A Primark store in Northern Ireland closed on Tuesday after a member of staff tested positive for COVID-19 has reopened today.  
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