วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2563

Cross-party anger over peerage for woman whose former party backed IRA Warrington bomb

Your weekly news roundup from the Belfast News Letter
  Aug 9, 2020  

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A round up of the most popular news stories this week.

  Cross-party anger over peerage for woman whose former party backed IRA Warrington bomb  
  Senior Tory and Labour figures have expressed outrage after a woman who supported the IRA bombing of Warrington was appointed to the House of Lords.  
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Sam McBride: Arlene Foster, the Attorney General, and why she backed a controversial bill which provoked DUP rebellion
For weeks, Arlene Foster's support for a bill which she presented to the Assembly as dull and technical, then rushed through under emergency provisions has baffled many of her colleagues, rivals and observers.
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Ben Lowry: John Hume's clear rejection of violence will play a pivotal role in shaping the coming battles over history
This week Gerry Adams said on BBC Radio Ulster Talkback that John Hume understood republicans, and the Sinn Fein politician seemed to imply that this lessened his opposition to them.
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Jim Allister: Trade funding for business shows scale of coming Irish Sea border, yet DUP opposition to the betrayal has evaporated
The announcement by Michael Gove and Brandon Lewis yesterday far from being good news for Northern Ireland business is confirmation that the commitments from the Tories that there would be no border impeding internal UK trade were worthless.
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Foster responds to Britain 'losing interest' comment
Arlene Foster has said she is disappointed to hear that the Taoiseach's office is preparing for Britain to "lose interest" in Northern Ireland.
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I shattered John Hume's image when I confronted him about his attitude to Protestants
'Speaking well of the dead' gives a new generation a version of John Hume that reflects badly on his Protestant neighbours, for it means implying ill of the other tradition.
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