วันเสาร์ที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2566

Letter from the Editor

A personal message from News Letter editor Ben Lowry
  I N S I D E R  
  Jun 3, 2023  
Ben Lowry
Ben Lowry

You cannot get in Northern Ireland, indeed I would say in few places anywhere, a more perfect combination of season (super long pre summer days) and weather (still, sunny, warm) than we are getting just now

Kyle White as always at this time of year is in the Isle of Man, reporting from the TT

A lot of  readers have been clicking on this round up of band parades this weekend

I have been to several services at Roselawn over the last year and I am always struck by the constraint on time there, because there is so much demand. This new crematorium is needed

In opinion, we ran a long and (I would say) devastating essay from Matt Goodwin on the combination of woke extremism and liberal economics on the UK

We also published this defence of grammar schools by the articulate young educationalist William Kitchen

There was a lot of interest in this letter on the potential but also failures of Northern Ireland, written by Roderick Downer, who has lived north and south and was a senior agent in the world of Dublin property

In this clip on Donna Traynor's tribunal being settled it is interesting to see the head of BBC NI being grilled by a BBC reporter

I believe that John Major and Lord Alderdice have given succour to the Sinn Fein push for constitutional change

At the News Letter we still fear that legacy is still going to turn against state forces who prevented civil war in the Troubles

Ben Lowry
Editorial: A second crematorium is opening in Northern Ireland, and such a facility is long overdue
Editorial: A second crematorium is opening in Northern Ireland, and such a facility is long overdue
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Ben Lowry: ​We keep hearing about unionism's big problems but nationalism has failed too
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  Ben Lowry: The joy of being in Northern Ireland at this time, in this perfect weather  
  Ben Lowry: The joy of being in Northern Ireland at this time, in this perfect weather  
  Read more +  
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