วันเสาร์ที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2566

A personal message from News Letter editor Ben Lowry

Letter from the editor
  I N S I D E R  
  Jun 24, 2023  
Ben Lowry
Ben Lowry

The weather was so hot and nice that I felt almost relief on Friday eight days ago when there was a spell of rain and coolness. 

When younger I would have laughed at the notion of wanting less warm weather in NI. This year the sunshine has helped offset the gloom of reaching that point when the days get shorter

We were all gripped by the Titan tragedy which has led to calls for such tours to end. I must say I don't agree with that, nor with the criticism of billionaires 

The US envoy to NI has, at a pre American Independence Day event, again talked about the influence of the Scots Irish in his home nation
In opinion this week, this scathing letter about Irish funding for Magee  got a lot of readers, as did this from a southern Irish commentator is scathing about President Higgins' political outbursts on matters such as neutrality 

There is ongoing controversy over the sex education plans for NI and there were a lot of readers for this story about the Presbyterian moderator speaking about the need to protect young Christians 

This tragic story about a farm death reminds me of the perils of a young person handling dangerous machines (as a boy I was always wanted to cut the grass) 

Finally here are two stories about July events, this on the Twelfth and this on the Armoy races 

Ben Lowry

Ben Lowry: Some of the Titan sub dead were billionaires yet we only felt for their humanity
Ben Lowry: Some of the Titan sub dead were billionaires yet we only felt for their humanity
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Envoy to Northern Ireland Joseph Kennedy talks with admiration about the influence Ulster folk who were early Americans
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  Ben Lowry: The prospect of shortening days in Northern Ireland seems not so bad this year amidst such fine weather  
  Ben  Lowry: The prospect of shortening days in Northern Ireland seems not so bad this year amidst such fine weather  
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