วันจันทร์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2564

A letter from News Letter editor Ben Lowry

Ben Lowry: A joint anthem at Northern Ireland games would be ploy to undermine the very existence of the team
  I N S I D E R  
  Dec 13, 2021  
Ben Lowry
Ben Lowry

Dear reader,

Christmas gets every closer but there is no hint of any holiday from news. 
The row over the Gerry Adams Christmas carol broke just before the weekend but there is still big interest in it online, and we had it on the front page this morning.
Covid is dominating the headlines. Today the vaccine passport rules change, and some people are unsure of the new rules:
But Boris Johnson will be pleased that in Northern Ireland now the over 30s can get their booster:
On the ongoing row over the Irish Sea border, we asked Downing Street if an Irish Times report was correct that the UK had dropped its demand that the European Court of Justice have jurisdiction over Northern Ireland. They denied it:
But Jim Allister thinks weak unionism has allowed London to think it can soften its line:
My most recent column elaborated on an appearance on BBC Nolan, in which I said it is one thing to say that God Save The Queen is not the most apt anthem for Northern Ireland football matches, quite another to say we should play The Soldier's Song!:

Trevor Ringland had also weighed into this row:
In other news, my memories of Eamonn Holmes go way back to early 1980s, the same era I refer in my NI column, when he was key at UTV. He has done so much since then and is now joining GB News:
In opinion, Owen Polley asks - what is the point of the Independent Reporting Commission if its reports don't mention the IRA?
For some light relief, the comedian William Caulfield talks about his admiration for the late Jimmy Young.
In Farming Life, the agriculture minister Edwin Poots announces last tranche of funding:

And the former Emmerdale star is in the new BBC series Kelvin's Big Farming Adventure
In sport, the Cliftonville manager Paddy McLaughlin has given his full support to Reds defender Conor McDermott in his fight against gambling addiction

And the biggest night in Irish motorcycling will make a welcome comeback next year
From last night, the Rangers manager has praised his team over their Hearts win
And there is so much more.
The News Letter is printed daily as usual every day this week. The only normal day of publication that we will cease publication this festive season is Christmas Day itself, but the website will still be updated on December 25.
Thank you for your continued interest in The News Letter, our long established title.
If we can interest you, there's huge value in a subscription to The News Letter, through which you can secure unfettered access to our news, sport, opinion and lifestyle journalism, all produced for you here by our team across Northern Ireland.

We hope you have a good week.

Best wishes, Ben Lowry
Editor, The News Letter 
Ben Lowry: Joint anthem at Northern Ireland games would be ploy to undermine it
When Northern Ireland beat Spain in the 1982 World Cup I was aged 10.
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