วันศุกร์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2563

'Thousands of lives could have been saved' | Call to end 'clap for carers' | New Covid-19 testing centre opens in NI

NI has seen the lowest number of Covid-19 related deaths in a 24 hour period since the pandemic began
  May 22, 2020  

Good afternoon everyone

The last couple of months have been so difficult for everyone in Northern Ireland and across the world, but are definite signs of encouragement for the future. 

When the latest figures about Covid-19 related deaths here in Northern Ireland were released on Friday, they revealed that just one person in the province who had tested positive for the condition had passed away in the last 24 hours. That is the lowest number recorded yet during the pandemic. 

In addition, the number of people being treated in intensive care beds in Northern Ireland with Covid-19 remains at just 13. 

The latest statistics were also a reminder of the battle against Covid-19 in care homes. Of those who have died with the virus in Northern Ireland, 47 per cent have been in care homes or hospices.

One of the most enjoyable parts of this dreadful pandemic has been when we have been able to express our gratitude to carers during the Thursday night 'clap for carers'. 

However, the woman behind the gesture of appreciation, Annemarie Plas from south London, says that next week's clap, which will be the 10th, should be the last. 

Stay safe and enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend

Alistair Bushe

Editor, News Letter

Twitter: @abushe7

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Lockdown survey: With planning going on to ease the lockdown how do you feel about restrictions being relaxed?
 We are inviting you to take part in this quick survey.

Thousands of lives could have been saved had we locked down earlier says scientist James Annan
He has claimed tens of thousands of lives lost to COVID-19 in the United Kingdom could have been saved had the government entered into lockdown a week earlier

Call for Thursday nights' 'clap for carers' to end
Annemarie Plas, architect of the "clap for carers" gesture, has said next Thursday's event, the tenth, should be the last.

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A new Covid-19 testing facility has opened in Northern Ireland - with the capacity to carry out 1,000 tests a day
The new testing facility is the result of the recently established NI Covid-19 Scientific Advisory Consortium which includes Queen's University Belfast, Ulster University and AFBI.

  Lockdown survey: With planning going on to ease the lockdown how do you feel about restrictions being relaxed?  
  Would you feel comfortable returning to work, sending your kids back to school, or going to reopened businesses?  
Article Image
NI sees lowest number of deaths in 24 hours since beginning of pandemic - 13 COVID-19 patients in ICU beds
The number of people who died after testing positive for COVID-19 in Northern Ireland is at its lowest since the beginning of the pandemic.
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A prominent Oxford epidemiologist has reportedly called for a more rapid exit from Britain's lockdown, saying the coronavirus pandemic is "on its way out" of Britain after infecting as much as half the population.
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Call for Thursday nights' 'clap for carers' to end
Annemarie Plas, architect of the "clap for carers" gesture, has said next Thursday's event, the tenth, should be the last.
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LIVE BLOG Coronavirus NI: Thousands of lives could have been saved had we locked down earlier says scientist James Annan
Scientist, James Annan, has claimed tens of thousands of lives lost to COVID-19 in the United Kingdom could have been saved had the government entered into lockdown a week earlier.
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