วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2563

Samantha and Frankie marry after getting special permission due to her terminal cancer diagnosis

Your weekly news roundup from the Belfast News Letter
  May 24, 2020  

Top Stories

A round up of the most popular news stories this week.

  Samantha and Frankie marry after getting special permission due to her terminal cancer diagnosis  
  A Loughbrickland had their wedding dreams fulfilled yesterday after Stormont ministers gave them special permission to wed under lockdown due to her terminal cancer diagnosis.  
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Dad 'overwhelmed' after principal lends struggling NI family his own laptop for home-schooling
A Ballymena father, struggling to homeschool his four children during lockdown on just one computer, said he has been ''totally overwhelmed'' by the kindness of his children's headmaster, who has lent them his own personal computer to use.
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Captain Tom and Noah's Ark painted on Lambeg drum after public vote
A Lambeg drum has been painted with an image of Captain Tom and Noah's Ark to send out a positive message about the year 2020 for many decades to come.
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Concerns that eligibility row is blocking Troubles pension
The latest delay in commencing a pension scheme for Troubles victims could be linked to a clause excluding those injured by their own hand, Doug Beattie has suggested.
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Ben Lowry: We should heed the advice of the woman who launched the applause for the NHS and make next Thursday the last
For six years I lived in a semi detached house in south Belfast.
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Billy Kennedy: Drive-in services will not meet needs of Ulster church-goers
The comment article on this page last Saturday seeking the early re-opening of our churches in Northern Ireland produced a very favourable response not just from News Letter readers, but from many in the wider public, particularly in large numbers on line.
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Ben Lowry: If this island must be different to Great Britain in its response to Covid-19, then why not come out of lockdown faster?
Here is an all-island argument with regard to Covid-19 that you will not hear made very often:
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Identities of 150 survivors of historical abuse exposed in major data breach
The identities of 150 survivors of historical institutional abuse (HIA) have been exposed in a data breach, it has been confirmed.
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DeSouza campaign confuses identity and citizenship
The campaign led by Emma DeSouza is gaining support, but I believe it confuses identity and citizenship.
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