At this time of the year the nation remembers with deep gratitude those who gave their lives in the two world wars of the last century as well as in other more recent conflicts, including here in Northern Ireland, in defence of justice and freedom and fundamental human rights.
I would like to reply to the letter published on October 31 by James McShane, Comber, entitled ('Disgust at the thought of DUP endorsing an Irish language act to reward Sinn Fein'):
At this time of the year the nation remembers with deep gratitude those who gave their lives in the two world wars of the last century as well as in other more recent conflicts, including here in Northern Ireland, in defence of justice and freedom and fundamental human rights.
Boris Johnson this week was asked candidly by a Northern Ireland businessman if he could "go back to my company in the morning and tell my staff we will not be filling in any customs declarations for goods leaving NI to go to GB?"
From Law student to graphic designer, Dungannon man Joel Kerr has certainly enjoyed a varied career. He tells LAURA MCMULLAN why he's delighted that he made the decision to return to his roots