วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2562

The most popular news stories this week

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News Letter
3 Nov, 2019
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Top stories of the week

A round up of the most popular news stories this week.

Latest News
This is no time for a falling out among unionists

Whilst Steve Aiken is correct to be annoyed with the DUP, this is not the time to fall out with them on electorate pacts.

Electoral pact is torpedoed

Would it be fair to say that the ex submarine commander Steve Aiken has torpedoed any chance of a unionist pact in the forthcoming general election on December 12?

The general election campaign gets off to a dramatic start

The coming general election, which is of critical importance to the future of the United Kingdom, and indeed the integrity of the Union itself, got under way in a dramatic way this week.

Unionists must now look beyond the ill-named Conservative and Unionist Party

Re Owen Polley ('Tories refuse to put Irish nationalist grievance-machine back in its box, Oct 31), this must change.

Ben Lowry: Now more than ever, at this fraught time, it would be wrong to force through an Irish language act

Leo Vardkar and his deputy, Simon Coveney, have tried to reassure unionists after Boris Johnson's volte face and gave Dublin what it wanted on Brexit.

Beautifully crafted loughside home

Ballyurnanellan House is a fine example of a beautifully crafted home situated on the outskirts of the picturesque Greyabbey village.

Sam McBride: U-turning even before he has taken over could be devastating for Steve Aiken

There has been an ideological faultline which arguably has existed since the founding of Northern Ireland in 1921 but which has become more pronounced over recent decades as unionism's majority has shrunk.

Conor urges NI men to talk about their mental health

Now in its 12th year in the UK, Movember encourages millions of men around the world to embrace the moustache in all its glorious forms.

See all the day's news here

