วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2562

The most popular news stories this week

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News Letter
4 Aug, 2019
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Top stories of the week

A round up of the most popular news stories this week.

Latest News
Female bus driver hospitalised with cuts and extensive bruising after being headbutted in Londonderry

A female bus driver was hospitalised after being headbutted by a man in Londonderry on Friday evening, it's emerged.

Two injured after vehicle collides with people outside cemetery

Two people have been injured after being struck by a vehicle outside the City Cemetery in west Belfast.

Ben Lowry: At just the wrong time, amid chronic British weakness, the NIO loses one of its key advisors

Last week this column returned to a long-standing theme of these pages: entrenched Northern Ireland Office (NIO) ministerial weakness that is no match for the partisan Irish ministers (see link to that column below).

At just the wrong time, NIO loses one of its key advisors

Last week this column returned to a long-standing theme of these pages: entrenched Northern Ireland Office (NIO) ministerial weakness that is no match for the partisan Irish ministers.

Dr McCloskey exposed the cruelty of abortion

Dr Anne McCloskey of Aontú ('Sinn Féin happy for the bad Brits to do its abortion dirty work,' Aug 31) exposes the cruelty of abortion.

Have a referendum in Northern Ireland on the backstop five years from now

A simple solution to the backstop problem would be to change the Withdrawal Agreement to allow for a referendum in five years time for the people of Northern Ireland to vote specifically if they want to keep the backstop or not.

Ben Lowry: Cyprus gang rape case is reminder that fake claims can happen and the need for jurors to be aware of that possibility

Last week in Cyprus a gang rape, which made global headlines, was then said not to have happened.

BBC clarity on policy on Pride involvement is welcome

Belfast Pride did not even exist as an event a relatively small number of years ago.

See all the day's news here

