Further evidence this very morning of the joy of January and the return of light and life! It has been beautiful in the greater Belfast area every day since Wednesday. Talking about wintry weather, look at the evocative seasonal conditions in the picture on this article, in which David McCann reflects on the 60th anniversary of Terence O'Neill meeting Sean Lemass. In that picture, you can see the legendary Mervyn Pauley, our much admired former political editor who sadly died this week aged 88. Thus he was in his 20s then. He is remembered here by one of his former editors Sam Butler and his son says that he was in fact more interested in rugby than politics! In opinion articles this week, here is Jackie McGregor wondering whether self absorbed use of social media was predicted in the Bible. David Montgomery, who is the head of the News Letter owner, NationalWorld, explains in this article his disappointment that the education minister did not approve two integrated schools in Bangor, where Mr Montgomery grew up. And in today's paper, click here, Paul Givan responds saying that he shares the sympathy with integrated but that he was under a legal obligation to take the decision he did. Here is my own column on the latest outrageous legacy court ruling. Finally, Jimmy Young died when I was two. Later I found his TV material hilarious. William Caulfield talks to Helen McGurk about his coming last Young tribute show next month. Enjoy your Saturday and your reading, Ben |