วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2565

Ben Lowry: Here are six of the broad reasons for the recent turn against unionism, some of which are reversible

A personal message from News Letter editor Ben Lowry
  I N S I D E R  
  May 14, 2022  
Ben Lowry
Ben Lowry

I have happy memories of Balmoral, when I was a kid in the 1970s and my grandfather worked at King's Hall for Royal Ulster Agricultural Society (RUAS) 

It always seemed to be summer as we clambered up to the driving deck of those colossal combine harvesters that were on display.
I will be back at Balmoral today at the News Letter and Farming Life stand amid the bustling crowds.
The weather has been variable this week but people are delighted to see the show back in its May slot. 
Here is our interview with only the second female president of the RUAS
As normal there have been lots of politicians at Balmoral. But this year politics and agriculture intersect with particular force, such as this story about the impact of protocol rules on show cattle movements
As Boris Johnson prepares to fly into Northern Ireland, the DUP leader sets out his political demands 
But here is a unionist letter writer who accuses unionists of failing to foresee obvious problems for NI caused by Brexit
Here is my own column on reasons for the difficulties in unionism
Scroll down our opinion section for more commentary on the election, including the bitterly contrasting views of ex DUP leader Peter Robinson and ex UUP leader Reg Empey
As ever this is so much more, including our bumper post Balmoral edition of News Letter and Farming Life, in the shops until tomorrow.
Ben Lowry
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NW200: World Superbike king Jonathan Rea says Superbike favourite Glenn Irwin 'can handle weight of expectation'
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Balmoral Show Day Three: Easily on target to hit 100,000 visitors
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  Ben Lowry: Six reasons for the turn against unionism, some of them reversible  
  Ben Lowry: Six reasons for the turn against unionism, some of them reversible  
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