วันศุกร์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Coming up in tomorrow's iweekend...

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So this is Christmas? And what have we done? Well, we've produced another wonderful edition packed full of news, sport and entertainment.


 We've got bumper Christmas television and radio listings, with a day-by-day guide to the best of the festive offerings. There's also a television quiz that will test your memory of what's been on the small screen over the past 12 months.


22 Dec news 4

Familiar faces - from Michael Palin to Gizzi Erskine - share their most memorable Christmas presents with us and we look at the science of Santa Claus. How does he manage to get presents to 1.6 million children in just one night?

We've picked some of the best Boxing Day walks around the country - perfect for blowing away the cobwebs and walking off some of the previous day's overindulgence.

And if that's not bracing enough, why not take the plunge with a festive swim? Our guide to this increasingly popular tradition will let you know when and where.


22 Dec news 2

If you still haven't decided what to do for New Year's Eve, our round-up of late breaks may help. There are ideas for trips in the UK and abroad.


22 Dec news 3

In Money, one mother explains why she's buying her children's gifts from Poundland.

As always, there's our popular puzzles pull-out and insightful comment section on the week's biggest topics.

Don't forget to pick up your copy of iweekend from all good newspaper retailers.


Wishing you all a very merry Christmas,



Hannah Tavner Hanna Tavner
Assistant Editor 

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